The Northern California DX Club will always remember those members who have passed on and become "SK" or Silent Keys. Friends and fellow hams, we remember their friendship, contributions to the Amateur Radio, to the NCDXC, to their families, and to their Communities.
Below is a list of those who have passed from 1945-1993. If you have any further information or corrections please contact us. Thank you to our club historian Ross Forbes, K6GFJ for keeping track and providing us with this list.
NCDXC Silent Keys (1945 - 1993) |
Dave Barker, W6WX |
Burley Hall, K6AAL |
Bruno Bienenfeld, AA6AD |
L.E. Walton (Charter Member), W6AED |
Phil Frazier, K6ZM ex-W6AFI |
James Dooley, A6AGO |
Rubin Hughes, WA6AHF |
Robert Ferrero, W6RJ ex-K6AHV |
Armond Noble, N6WR ex-W6AJY |
Donald Wallace, W6AM |
Les Wendel N6XU ex-W6AMG |
John Ellison, W6AOI |
John Browning, W6SP ex-W6ASA |
Harold Bindle, W6ATK |
Richard Czeikowitz, W6ATO |
John Larson, K6AUC |
Hugh Cassidy, WA6AUD |
Ronal Chiappari, N7AUV |
John Doiremus, W0AW |
Ray mond Thomas, W6BHH |
George Maxey, W6BIL |
Wilbur Bachman, W6BIP |
Ted Davis, W6BJH |
Jack Holmes, Jr., (Charter Member) W6BUY |
Marin Oppenheimer, KB6BW |
Sandy Lynch, WA6BXH |
Vern King, WB6CAB |
Ronal Paton, W6VG ex-W6CBE |
John Mullen, K6CBL |
Walter Cooper, W6CDJ |
Robert Norton, W6CBM |
Richard Barrett, W6CFK |
Kenneth Hughes, W6CIS |
William Winnegar, W6UW ex-W6CLM |
John Steventon, W6CLS |
Edward Doell, W6CLZ |
William Webb, NK6H ex-WD6COD |
Jim Maxwell, W6CF ex-W6CUF |
Joseph Bush, W6CYV |
George Enos, W6CZQ |
Alfred Elge, AG6D |
Jesse Sadler, W6DAA |
L.V. Krutz, W6DB |
Hensley Morahan, WA6DJI |
Iris Colvin, W6QL ex-W6DOD and KL7DTB |
Peter Von Sivers, WB6DOQ |
Gene Pere, W6DOT |
Walter Gallegos, W6DOF |
George Varvasiotes, K6SV ex-WB6DSV |
Mario Chirone, (Charter Member), W6DUB |
Albert Brown, W6DYB |
Thomas Tennissen, KH6DZB |
Edward Hoetzel, W6DZZ |
Theodore Palk, K6TP ex-W6EBO |
Omer Wright, W6EFV |
Charles Henry, (Charter Member), W6EJA |
Bob Gobrick, WA6ERB |
Vern Howard, W6ERS |
Jack Broilere, K6ERV |
Ray Balch, K6VX ex-W6ESI |
Kenny Gee, W6ETR |
Thomas Morse, KA6EUD |
Hal Godfrey, N6AN ex-W6EYY |
John Dohman, WB6FBN |
Marvin Juza, W6FGD |
Roy Ozawa, W6FOJ |
Harold Shimota, W6FQF |
E. Howard Hale, W6SC ex-W6FYM |
George Allan, W6YD ex-WA6O and KA6GJW |
Joseph Horvath, W6GPB |
Hank Brown, W6HB |
Cliff Beck, K6HIH |
Joseph Harmon, WB9HIP |
Seth Hodsen, W6HNX |
Ken Ruddock, K6HNZ |
Bill Snider, K6KM ex-W6HQN |
Hiller Raamat, N6HR ex-WA6HRS |
George Meek, W6IC |
Rold Carlsen, WA6IDF |
Phil Calders (Charter Member) W6IKQ |
Louise Bloom, KA6ING |
Fred Fiedler, W6IPH |
Arnold "Fisher" Dumetz, W6ISI |
Jack Troster, W6ISQ |
D. Reg Tibbetts (Charter Member) W6ITH |
James Knockenhauer, K6ITL |
Ray Eichman, WA6IVM |
Steve Eichman, WA6IVN |
Henry Davis, N6NP ex-K5IXS |
James Brannin, K6IC |
Stan Kuhl, K6MA ex-W6JKJ |
Carl Cook, AI6V ex-WA6JUD |
Eric Edberg, W6DU ex-W6JWD |
Robert "Smitty" Smithwick, W6CS ex-W6JZU |
Frank Torchia, W6KEK |
Lloyd Colvin, W6KG |
Eddy Pollock, W6LC ex-W6KHS |
Michael Gavin, W6WZ ex-WB6KJE |
Clyde Schoenfeld, W6KNH |
Andrew Cooper, W6KQK |
William Stevens, W6ZM ex-W6CLF |
Edward Peck, K6AN ex-W6LDD |
Gerald Starkey, WA6LIJ |
Jim Golden, K6LM |
Anthony Rogozinski, WA6BOU ex- K5LMU |
Roy Colwell, W6LW |
Michael Young, K6MBV |
Frank Valentich, W6MEK |
George Drake, K6MHD |
Steve Stephenson, W6MKM |
Chod Harris, WB6CHO ex-VP2ML |
Dick McKercher, W0MLY ex- W6MLY |
Alden Clark, W6LP ex-W6MUC |
Eric Ledin, W6MUF |
R.W. Johnson, W6MUR |
Frank Glass, K6RQ ex-W6MVL |
Walter Harrington, W6MX |
Bep Costa, W6NEQ |
Joseph H. Johnson, W6NIG |
Gary Stillwell, KI6T ex-W6NJU |
Robert Bondi, W6NTQ |
Sid Fass, W6NZ |
Walter Harme, K6NP ex-W6NZS |
Herman Schoeltens, W6OAQ |
Larry Barton, W6YJ ex-W6OCH |
Rich Wilde, K6OHJ |
Murray Link W6OHU |
Steve Corwin, K6OJO |
Creston Patterson, K6OQ ex-WB6OKK |
Howard Myers, W6OL |
Nick Marshall, W6OLO |
Clay Murdoch, W6OMC |
Irv Astman, W6OMR |
Bruce Butler, W6OSP |
James Terry, N6OV |
Leo Stoeckle, W6OWM |
Howard Douglas, W6OZC |
Daniel O'Brian (Charter member), W6PB |
David Brodie, W6PGQ |
Daniel Banlin, W6PH |
David Palmer, W6PHF |
Mas Takata, W6BJB ex- K6PIH |
Thomas Donovan, W6PMD |
Lee Shaklee, W6BH ex-W6PQW |
William Hansen, W6PTS |
Dick Sales, W6PWR |
Peter Folini, W6PYH |
Jack Forbes, WB6QDC |
Vincent Wright, W6QDE |
Chauncey (Bud) Downey (Charter Member), W6QLH |
Orman Meyer, K6QX |
William Ladley, W6RBQ |
Jette Hill, W6RFF |
Warren Kocher, WK6RF ex-WB6RFI |
Charles Patterson, K6RK |
Carrel B. Smith, W6RM |
Mark L. Stephens, W6RON |
Al Lotze, W6RQ |
Robert Ryan, WB6RSU |
Cameron Pierce, K6RU ex-KH6EPW |
Larry Bloom, KD6XY ex-WB6RWJ |
John Brand, K6WC ex-K6RXZ |
William Orr, W6SAI |
Thomas Hall, W6SC |
Bert Newkirk, WA6SIX |
Frank Zolfo, W6SJC |
Arthur Fonseca, W6SR |
Shrgeki Mori, W6SSA |
Bob Thompson, K6SSJ |
Paul Letsinger, W6SYL |
Stanley Johnson, W6SZ |
G. Kip Edwards, W6SZN |
Patrick Whittle, AK6T |
George Badger, W6TC |
Horace Greer (Charter Member), W6TI |
Louis Beaudet, K6TMB |
Don Amyx, N6DA ex-WA6TQK |
Sam Canter, W6TSQ |
Elvin Feige (Charter Member) W6TT |
Eugene Darlington, W6TTS |
Rolph Stoddard, W6TWO |
William Vetter, K6TXR |
Howard Sweezey, W6TZA |
Doug Westover, W6JD ex-K6TZX |
James Rafferty, N6RJ ex-WA9UCE |
Stan Kaisel, K6UD |
Paul Weller, W6UDR |
William Eitel, W6UF ex-WA6LRU |
Donald Schliesser, K6RV ex-W6MAV and WA6UFW |
Phil Wright, VS6DR ex-W6UHK |
Chris Schrotke, W6UJ |
Wes Louden, WB6UJO |
Merle Parten, K6DC ex-W6ULS |
J.E. Judd, K6AR ex-W6UMI |
Ernest ZumBrunnen, W9UOM ex-WB6UOM |
Ray Brennan (Charter Member), W6UPV |
Joseph Dillow, W6UR |
Daniel "Bob" Dorsey, Jr., K4UVT |
Rodney Dinkins, AC6V |
Dewey Beraldo, W6VE |
Win Wagner, W6VQD |
Brad Wyatt, K6WR ex-W6VUW |
John Fogg, K6AO, ex-W6VVR |
Robert Harriss, K6VY |
Preston Hotz, K6WD ex-WB6WAV |
David Pugatch. KI6WF |
Hal Irthum, W6WP |
Glenn Koropp, W6YFW |
John Gibson, N6OM ex-K6YGS |
Josheph Bridge, K6CU ex-WA6YMX |
Fred Canham, K6YT |
William Nesbit, WA6YVW |
Karl Rudkosky, KF6QO ex-WA6YXP |
Norman Brown, W1ICU ex-W6ZBS |
Frank Holst, W6ZKM |
Curt Roche, K6AL ex-W6ZMW |
Kay Brown, W6ZTJ |
Josephine Clarke, WB6ZUC |
Charles Kump, W6ZYC |
Miles Weeks, W6ZZ |
This page is in the process of being updated.
If you have information related to this page which you would like to have added, please contact the webmaster and/or use this for below. For listings, it would be great to include a photo as well. Also please notify the DXer Editor so we can inform our membership via that method as well. Thank you!