The Northern California DX Club will always remember those members who have passed on and become "SK" or Silent Keys. Friends and fellow hams, we remember their friendship, contributions to the Amateur Radio, to the NCDXC, to their families, and to their Communities.
Ross Forbes, K6GFJ

Ross was a wealth of NCDXC history and willing to tell tales of the club in its early years. He compiled and saved many of the club's historical documents like the DXer from its original issue to present and Cass's West Coast DX Bulletin. He was a club officer and director holding many of the leadership positions over the years. As others have said he was a true NCDXC ambassador. He lived in many interesting parts of the world and traveled to many more on DXpeditions. On top of all that he was a genuinely nice guy and wonderful to be around!
Organizations Ross belonged to include ARRL (Life Member), A1-OP, AMSAT-NA (Life member), QCWA (Life Member), NCCC (Life Member), NCDXC (Life Member), RSGB, CDXC and INDEXA. He contributed to the NCDXF annually. In May 2018 he was elected to the Board and was a Director of the Northern California DX Foundation
Ross held the following positions: SEC-SV, SM-SCV, Pacific Division Vice-Director (1981). He was also the past-president of the NCDXC (two terms) and past president of Project OSCAR, Inc.
Ross will be sorely missed by all of us at NCDXC
SK: June, 2024
Charles McConnell, W6DPD
SK: Late, 2022
Former NCDXC card checker.
Roger Miller, AC6BW

SK: Late, 2022
Roger Miller, AC6BW passed away peacefully in his sleep on Oct. 16, 2022.
He was a member of the NCDXC and an avid DXer. He had 313 confirmed DXCC and was an amateur radio operator on and off since 1973. His great wish was to survive his cancer long enough to work Bouvet. He was an Electrical Engineer in the high speed data and fiber optic field working for Bay area companies since the early 80's. I met Roger in 2015 while hearing him chasing the same dx on cw. He lived nearby and I helped him build a hexbeam, the same as I had. We visited each others shack a number of times and shared the passion for DX. He is survived by his wife Nancy and brother Norman. Now he can work them all whenever he wants to.
God bless Roger. Richard WB6EWM
Jim Abraham, W6EB

SK: October, 2021
Jim Abraham W6EB was a man of many talents. He was an electronics technician during the development and initial operation of the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) working on the high power klystron pulsed sources used to energize SLAC. He later flew jet aircraft first for Pan American and later for United Airlines. He ended has career as a senior pilot for United giving check rides to new 747 pilots. He knew every inch of every system on the Boeing 747 and definitely was the guy you wanted to be captain of your flight.
Jim was a longtime radio amateur. He was interested in antennas, acquiring and restoring various pieces of older equipment as well as working DX. Jim could fix just about anything from a 1950's Johnson Viking II to a modern piece of HP test equipment. His passion for DX led him to join NCDXC where he served as a Director (2006-2010) and was very active in planning and executing the International DX Convention.
Jim was a great friend, a wonderful person and a mentor to many. RIP W6EB.
Mike Gavin, W6WZ

SK: February 20th, 2021
Mike Gavin, W6WZ, became a Silent Key on Saturday, February 20, 2021. This information was recently confirmed by Mike’s son, Gregory Gavin. We may have more details later from Gregory. Mike, W6WZ, affectionately known as the ‘Woodside Zombie’ and his wife Carolyn, WA6ABC, were regular attendees at our Club meetings and events for many years.
Mike, K6MKF as NCDXC President in 2014, had the pleasure of presenting Carolyn and Mike with the Member of the Year Award for their service to the Club. Many of us will remember that Mike and Carolyn ran the raffles at our Club Meetings for many years. Mike was the Secretary of the NCDXC from 2004 through 2006.
Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT

SK: October 30th, 2020
Licensed in 1970 as WN9ELU in Chicago, Jim was the president of his high school radio club in Illinois. In 1977, he married Lilah Greene, KE6EHD, and they moved to California, where Jim became N6OIK, later choosing K6JAT as a vanity call sign. He’d also held V26JAT and 3D2TJ and had operated from Curacao and Hawaii.
Jim was ARRL Pacific Division Vice Director from 2009-17. He became ARRL Pacific Division Director in January 2018. He retired in 2018 from him private law practice. He was an ARRL Diamond Club and Maxim Society member. He and his wife have twin sons, Robert and Matthew, KI6IHP.
Tommy Farr W6IJ

SK: 2020
In 1958, brothers Harold, Charles and Tommy found Amateur Radio as a hobby. All three obtained their licenses and built their first transmitter. Using surplus World War II receiving equipment, Tommy developed a love of CW and chasing foreign country radio amateur stations. An accomplished CW operator, he was a member of the First Class Operators' Club (FOC). His passion for Amateur Radio led him to be a "one percenter," being among the top one percent of the DX Century Club. He made constant improvements to his radio station and antennas. Tommy was licensed for 61 years and well-known around the world for his skills as an operator and had many international friends.
Tommy was first licensed as WV6NFC in 1960. WA6NFC and then WJ6O followed before getting W6IJ through the vanity program. Held "second station" callsign, WA6UFN. Tommy was a Member of FOC (# 1652), CWOPS Charter and Life Member (#111), ARRL Life Member, NCDXC Life Member, an ARRL A-1 Operator Club Member, and DXCC #1 Honor Roll.
Lauren Tudor, K6LT
SK: June, 2021
Frank used to be quite active in the Northern California DX Club. His previous callsigns; WA6AVW and N6QP. Extra Class, A1 Operators Club, ARRL Life Member. Had a QSL card from P51BH (April 22, 1999) in his collection ! Was stationed on Midway Island as an Aviation Boatswain's Mate 2nd Class. 10 years with Sonoma Police Department and 8 years with the California Highway Patrol. Frank Retired to Arnold, CA.
Rich Wilde, WZ7P

SK: September 2020
Rich Wilde WZ7P ex-K6OHJ is a Silent Key. This information was reported by Dick Wilson K6LRN and further confirmed by Rich’s daughters’ Facebook posts that Rich Wilde passed away early in September 2020. The NCDXC Members extend their sincere condolences to Rich’s family and many friends.
Rich's call sign when he first joined NCDXC was K6OHJ. He was very active in the club and served as NCDXC Vice President in 1962-63, as President in 1964-65 and as Director in 1966-67. Rich was also active in contests and encouraged members to improve their operating skill with a second receiver during both contests and chasing DX-peditions.
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