NCDXC operates a 2M repeater using our Club Callsign: W6TI
Frequency: 147.360+ (Input 147.960)
PL Tone: 110.9
Auto Patch: No
Repeater ID #: 17879
The Club W6TI 2M repeater is located near Palo Alto, California. The primary purpose of our repeater is to exchange DX information and to conduct monthly on-the-air Club nets. DX Spotting is Encouraged on the repeater!
Additional uses of our repeater are for club members to exchange technical information; for the handling of emergency traffic; for aiding Civil Defense, state and local police; and for providing public service communications.
The W6TI Repeater is also available for NCDXC Members through the Echolink node N6NKT-L