The Club Member & DXer Of The Year Awards

Each year the NCDXC makes two awards: outstanding Member and outstanding DXer of the club. These are members who have consistently and actively participated in DX and club activities. The award is given at the International DX Convention.

Criteria for Selection of the Club Member or DXer of the Year

  • Cooperation and assistance with DX efforts, maintaining liaison with or coordinating DXpeditions, and helping other members to work DX.
  • Standards of operating ethics and practices. Compliance with FCC regulations, an exhibition of fair play, sportsmanship, and good operating practices at all times. Use of ethical practices in working new countries, and obtaining QSLs.
  • Participation in club activities. Serve as officer or director, DXer editor, participation in DX contests with scores contributed to the club, support of the club repeater, attendance of club and repeater meetings, service on committees, bringing in new members or making guests welcome.
  • Achievements. Winning major DX contests, winner of awards such as 5BDXCC, Honor Roll, etc. Amateur related appointments and service, as in ARRL offices or communications department appointments. Service to the public in emergencies, or promoting international goodwill. Assistance to potential or new amateur radio operators or conducting of training programs.
  • Members of the committee, if nominated from for the award, shall be withdrawn from the committee and replaced by members not nominated.
  • The time period considered shall be the calendar year immediately preceding granting of the award, but past performance in prior years shall also be considered by the committee.

The Dr. William Howard Myers W6OL Award

  • This annual award was established by Dr. Meyers' family in 2015 in his honor.
  • The primary purpose is to recognize excellence in high-level CW operation during a DXpedition.
  • The recipient does not have to be a member of NCDXC or an American citizen.
  • A suitable plaque is presented to the awardee at the International DX Convention each year.

The Les Nuhn, NN6K Public Service Award

Les Nuhn, NN6K, was a generous contributor to the Northern California DX Club and spent his professional career dedicated to public service as a police officer and later as an investigator for the District Attorney in San Diego, CA.  Les was born in San Francisco and had a strong connection with Northern California through his interest in Amateur Radio and DXing.  The NCDXC created the Les Nuhn NN6K Public Service award in his memory.  This award annually recognizes individuals who make a significant contribution to public service.


2024 Award Recipients, December, 2024

Robert Chortek, AA6VB

Member of the Year

John Miller K6MM

DXer of the Year

Gabriel Blaj, AJ6X

NN6K Public Service Award

Stephen Jones, N6SJ

Dr. William Howard, Myers W6OL Award:

2023 Award Recipients, April 22nd, 2023


Tony Dowler K6BV

Member of the Year

Richard Clare WB6EWM

DXer of the Year

Jim Sansoterra K8JRK and Wendy Baum WF8R

NN6K Public Service Award

2022 Award Recipients, June 16th, 2022


Rob LaNoce AG6RK

DXer of the Year

Gabriel Blaj AJ6X

Member of the Year

Peter Grabosky W6OOL

NN6K Public Service Award

2021 Award Recipients, April 15th, 2021


Paul Ewing, N6PSE

DXer of the Year

Art Rizzi, N6MFT

Member of the Year
Mats RM2D v2

Mats Strandberg, RM2D

W6OL CW Memorial Award
NN6K George N6NKT. V2jpg

George Williams, N6NKT

NN6K Public Service Award

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, there are no photos available for the year 2020.


70th International DX convention, April 12-14th, 2019


Dick Letrich, W6KM

DXer of the Year

Al Toothaker, N6TA

Member of the Year

Steve Jones, N6SJ

W6OL CW Memorial Award

69th International DX Convention, April 21, 2018


The Elmering Team, Accepted By John, K6YP

Member(s) of the Year

The 2018 Elmering Team:

  • John Eisenberg, K6YP
  • Mike Flowers, K6MKF
  • Jim Sansoterra, K8JRK
  • Lucas Ford, W6AER
  • Bob Lanning, W6OPO
  • Dick Grote, K6PBF
  • George Williams, N6NKT
  • Kristen McIntyre, K6WX
  • Russ Bentson, K6KLY
  • Sheryl Harkleroad, WW6G
  • Steve Jones, N6SJ

John Warburton, G4IRN

W6OL CW Memorial Award

68th International DX Convention, April 20-23, 2017


Mike Flowers, K6MKF

Member of the Year

Paul Ewing, N6PSE

DXer of the Year

Bob Schmieder, KK6EK

DXer of the Year

Ken Opskar, LA7GIA

W6OL CW Memorial Award

67th International DX Convention, April 15-17, 2016


John Miller, K6MM

Member of the Year

Paul Ewing, N6PSE

DXer of the Year

Dmitri Zhikharev, RA9USU

W6OL CW Memorial Award

66th International DX Convention, April 17-19, 2015


John Miller, K6MM

Member of the Year

Bob Allphin, K4UEE

DXer of the Year

65th International DX Convention, April 4-6, 2014


John Miller, K6MM

DXer of the Year

Carolyn Gavin, WB6ABC & Mike Gavin, W6WZ

Member(s) of the Year

64th International DX Convention, April 19-21, 2013


Mike Flowers, K6MKF

DXer of the Year

Bob Lanning, W6OPO

Member(s) of the Year

Phil Verinsky, W6PK

Member(s) of the Year

Russ, K6KLY DXpedition of the Year Recipient PTØS (Fred Carvalho, PY2XB) Steve, N6SJ


Photos from previous years


John Miller, K6MM

Member of the Year - 63rd IDXC April 20-22, 2012

Steve jones, N6SJ

Member of the Year - 61st IDXC April 16-18, 2010
DXer of the Year Award RecipientsMember of the Year Award RecipientsW6OL Memorial Award Recipients
1965 - Dave Baker, W6WX2002 - George Allen, W6YD2016 - Dmitri Zhikharev
1966 - Jim Maxwell, W6CUF2003 - Dick Letrich, W6KM2017 - Kenneth Opskar, LA7GIA
1967 - No award made2004 - Chuck Patterson, K6RK2018 - John Warburton, G4IRN
1968 - Jack Troster, W6ISQ2005 - No award made2019 - Steve Jones, N6SJ
1969 - Bob Vallio, W6RGG2006 - Ron Panton, W6VG2020 - László Radócz, HA0NAR
1970 - Bob Thompson, K6SSJ2007 - No award made2021 - Mats Strandberg, RM2D
1971 - Gene Darlington, W6TTS2008 - No award made2022 - Mike Shapiro WA6O
1972 - Adam Mentes, VE3DXV/W62009 - John Eisenberg, K6YP2023 - Thierry Mazel F6CUK/FT8WW
1973 - Rubin Hughes, WA6AHF2010 - Steve Jones, N6SJ2025 - Stephen Jones, N6SJ
1974 - Merle Parten, K6DC2010 - Russ Bentson, K6KLYNN6K Public Service Award Recipients
1975 - No award made2012 - John Miller, K6MM2021 - George Williams, N6NKT
1976 - No award made2013 - Bob Lanning, W6OPO2022 - Peter Grabosky W6OOL
1977 - Bob Thompson, K5SSJ2013 - Phil Varinsky, W6PK2023 - Jim Sansoterra K8JRK and Wendy Baum WF8R
1978 - No award made2014 - Carolyn Gavin, WB6ABC2024 - Gabriel Blaj, AJ6X
1979 - No award made2014 - Mike Gavin, W6WZ
1980 - Lloyd Colvin, W6KG2015 - John Miller, K6MM
1980 - Iris Colvin,W6QL2016 - John Miller, K6MM
1981 - No award made2017 - Mike Flowers, K6MKF
1982 - No award made2018 - The Elmering Team**
1983 - Wilbur 'Bip' Bachman, W6BIP2019 - Al Toothaker, N6TA
1984 - Jay O’Brien, W6GO2020 - Wendy Baum, WF8R &
1985 - Josephine Clarke, WB6ZUC2020 - Jim Sansoterra, K8JRK
1986 - Hal Godfrey, N6AN2021 - Art Rizzi, N6MFT
1987 - Ron Panton - W6VG2022 - Gabriel Blaj AJ6X
1988 - Eric Edberg, W6DU2023 - Richard Clare WB6EWM
1989 - Kip Edwards, W6SZN2024 - Robert Chortek, AA6VB
1990 - Rusty Epps, W6OAT**The Elmering Team 2018
1991 - Bob Vallio, W6RGGJim Sansoterra, K8JRK
1992 - Lou Beaudet, K6TMBLucas Ford, W6AER
1993 - Jim Knockenhauer, K6ITLBob Lanning, W6OPO
1994 - Ted Algren, KA6WDick Grote, K6PBF
1995 - Stan Kuhl, K6MAGeorge Williams, N6NKT
1996 - Len Geraldi, K6ANPKristen McIntyre, K6WX
1997 - Gary Shapiro, NI6TRuss Bentson, K6KLY
1998 - Gordon Girton, W6NWSheryl Harkleroad, WW6G
1999 - Bob Fabry, N6EKSteve Jones, N6SJ
2000 - Bill Fontes, W6TEXJohn Eisenberg, K6YP
2001 - Chuck Vaughn, AA6GMike Flowers, K6MKF
2002 - No award made
2003 - No award made
2004 - No award made
2005 - No award made
2006 - No award made
2007 - No award made
2008 - No award made
2009 - No award made
2010 - No award made
2011 - No award made
2012 - No award made
2013 - Mike Flowers, K6MKF
2014 - John Miller, K6MM
2015 - Bob Allphin, K4UEE
2016 - Paul Ewing, N6PSE
2017 - Bob Schmieder, KK6EK
2017 - Paul Ewing, N6PSE
2018 - No award made
2019 - Dick Letrich, W6KM
2020 - Al Toothaker, N6TA
2021 - Paul Ewing, N6PSE
2022 - Rob LaNoce, AG6RK
2023 - Tony Dowler, K6BV
2024 - John Miller K6MM