The 2024 NCDXC Holiday Luncheon is taking place on Saturday, December 7th, 2024 - 10:30 am to 2:30 pm

Location: Michael's at Shoreline (St Andrews and Pinehurst Rooms)
2960 Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94043
(650) 962-1014 - Website: Michael's at Shoreline

Menu Selection: New York Steak: $48, Salmon: $41, Tortellini: $33 or Stuffed Chicken Breast: $40

Includes: French Rolls & Butter, Seasonal Green Salad, Entrée course with Seasonal Vegetables & Potato du Jour, Sherbet Dessert, Coffee/Hot Tea served at the tables. Lemonade and Iced Tea Station.

Please note: Above prices include tax, tip and one door prize ticket

Questions: Art, N6MFT (408) 772-7230

Program: Mike Flowers, K6MKF - A brand new Wayback Presentation!

Luncheon is for Renewed (or Life) Members Only and One Guest. 

Many Door Prizes and more tickets can be purchased at the door!


Select from dropdown the option. You will then be taken to a screen for payment.  When you are finished, you can then pay the total via Credit Card by selecting "Check Out" or "Check Out With PayPal" from your shopping cart. You will need to repeat the process for your guest if applicable. 

Reservation Deadline: 6:00 PM November 26th or when a guest count of 70 is reached.

Hope to see you there!