NCDXC alternates hosting of the annual International DX Convention (IDXC) with SCDXC (Southern California DX Club).
SCDXC hosts every "even" year (2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 etc.) and NCDXC hosts every "odd" year (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 etc.).
IDXC is one of the most popular DX conventions of the year. If you’re a DXer or interested in any aspect of Ham radio, then IDXC is the place to be. Top DX operators from around the world will be there. You'll match those familiar callsigns with new faces, and shake hands with the person you have had a sched with for the past 10 years but never met.
Learn the secrets for big signals on top band. How to have fun adventures chasing IOTA, attend the contest forum, antenna forum, DX forum, or Contest Academy. There are seminars for everyone from the seasoned pro to the beginning DXer. Visit the Exhibit Hall, where you can talk to the people who design and use the best DX equipment. We have some great raffle Prizes the likes of which top even the famed Dayton Hamvention. And don’t forget the "Non-Hams" who attend — we have a Special Tour for them as well.
The latest information about IDXC can be obtained via the IDXC website:
Do you want to see what it is like to walk through the convention? The video below will give you a great feel for it. While from 2019, you can see the vendor hall and many of the attendees at the Visalia Convention Center. Shot using a 360 degree camera, you can navigate the halls and change directions as if you were actually there!
Video courtesy of Lucas Ford, W6AER. Also available on the Maximum RF YouTube Channel. You can click HERE to Subscribe.